Personal Coaching on expression
and social skills:

  • Work on expression and specific social skills.
  • Exercises and practice on safe ground or in your real professional environment.
  • Coaching to address goals and challenges.
  • Changing and establishing new habits.

We offer individualized and flexible solutions for the following services:

  • Identification of needs and diagnosis:
    Each person is different. In this phase we discover what aspects make you unique and valuable, what are your priorities and what is needed for you to achieve your goals (personal DAFO or SWOT).
  • Specific actions: To find your position towards others it is fundamental for you to believe in yourself. We will work on the appropriate techniques for you in each area, providing the tools for you to be self-sufficient:

Personal Coaching on external image:

  • Stylism (dress and use of complements).
  • Your colour chart.
  • Hair style.
  • Recommendations on skin care (cosmetics).
  • Body type.
  • Wardrobe audit.
  • Physical training.
  • Changes in diet.
  • Feedback and follow-up: Review of achievements. People evolve; we offer you a mid-term and long-term personalized follow-up to help you reinforce the changes you have made.